Donate to CCAR
Adopt from CCAR
As an adopter of a rescue pet from CCAR, you’re giving a homeless animal the second chance at happiness they deserve.
Become a Foster
We would love to have you come visit us. We meet the first Monday of every month at 6:30 PM in the Episcopal Church in Windom, MN.
Make a Difference
You can make a difference in the lives of homeless, neglected and abandoned animals! Donate to CCAR’s animals today.
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Cottonwood County Animal Rescue
Saving the Homeless Animals of Cottonwood County Minnesota
Our Mission Statement Cottonwood County Animal Rescue Inc. is dedicated to caring for homeless pets in our community through adoptions, community awareness, spaying and neutering, fostering and caring for pets until loving homes can be found.
Saving the Homeless Animals of Cottonwood County, MN.
Cottonwood County Animal Rescue
Donations Cottonwood County Animal Rescue (CCAR) 457 15th Street, Windom, MN  56101  Contacts Joanne: (507) 831-4110 Phyllis: (507) 831-2249
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Founded in 2013
CCAR thanks our community for all your financial support, the generous giving of your time and energy, and the HOPE you bring into the lives of the animals that need your love.
EXAM COUPON Details here. Adopt from us or one of our local shelters and get a wellness exam for FREE! WINDOM DOG PARK